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  3. 電験講座に突撃インタビュー!!



Interview about the theory course that’s a qualification in Electrical Engineering


My name is Minagawa. I am the first-year student of the Department of Electrical Engineering in JEC. Today, I would like to introduce the latest information of our  department.


First of all, I would like to explain what we are learning. We acquire technology to design, maintain, manage and supervise the electrical equipment for large buildings or transportation infrastructure such as railways. This year, forty-two new students enrolled, and our goal is contributing as an industry-ready engineer for the electricity industry. All of the teachers are electrical specialists and have many difficult qualifications such as chief electrical engineer or electrician.


Among them, I would like to introduce Mr. Yamaji. He starts a Class of “The Third Class Electric Chief Engineer qualification preparation course”.


This qualification also known as “Denken 3” is an approved national qualification test. The exam consists of four parts, “Theory”, “Electricity”, “Mechanics” and “Laws”. And if you pass all four subjects, you will get a license. By obtaining this license, the students are studying to increase the knowledge of electrical things.

(皆川) 本日はよろしくお願いします。
(山路) よろしくお願いします。

(皆川) まず、学校に来る前は何をされていましたか?
(山路) 前職はビル管理の仕事をしていました。一般的なオフィスビルですが、複数棟まとめて管理していたため、ひっきりなしに警報や電話が鳴っていた記憶があります。

Q. What kind of job did you work before as a teacher in JEC?

A. Before serving as a teacher, my previous job was building management. Although it`s a general office, several buildings were managed that`s why: I still remember the continuously ringing of alarms and phone. And I managed air conditioning and sanitary equipment. And also dealt with the customers made me many types of skills that acquired.

(皆川) 資格は何を持っていますか?
(山路) 電験一種(二種、三種含む)、エネルギー管理士(試験合格)、第一種電気工事士(試験合格)、第二種電気工事士などまだまだたくさんあります。

Q. What types of qualifications do you have?

A. Electrical qualification 1st class (2nd and 3rd class)
Energy supervisor (passed the exam)
1st class electrician (passed the exam)
2nd class electrician
And etc;..

(皆川) 教師として何年勤務していますか?
(山路) 在職9年目です、まだまだ若手です。

Q. How many years have you been working as a teacher?

A. This year is my 9th year and it`s still young.

(皆川) いつから講座を始めたのですか?
(山路) 2016年頃からエクステンション科目や希望者向けに、理論科目に限らず細々とやっていました。その後、「全科目合格者を増やすために、まずは理論科目を固めよう」と考えて、2022年から今の形式で理論対策講座を始めました。

Q. When did you start this course?

A. Since around 2016, for the students who wish to learn as a extension course but not just the theoretical courses. After that, to increase the successful candidates in all subjects, we decided to start this course in 2022 like a theory preparation course in the current.

(皆川) 講座を始めたきっかけはなんですか?
(山路) 合格者の増加を目指すことに加えて、少しでも学生の勉強を支援できればと考えてのことです。…もちろん、講座をやり続けるのは大変ですけどね。

Q. What is the reason to start this course?

A. Mentioned above that we aim to increase the successful students, and also hope that it will be a little help for students. Distributed knowledges with this course and it will be an opportunity for students who can study regularly, discuss freely, and make more productive and active about studying.

(皆川) 四月から電気を学び始めた人も多いと思いますが、なにか工夫している点はありますか?
(山路) 演習問題の解法を説明するときは、そこまでの講座で教えた知識を使って説明することで、知識を積み上げてできることを増やしていけるよう、資料の構成や伝え方は考慮しています。それでも難しい?気のせいですよ。

Q. From this April, I think there are many students who started learning electricity. So, are there any improvements you have made?

A. In order to help students, especially in organizing the content and accumulating knowledge. In particular, we explain how to solve problems, structures and presentation of materials so that the students can accumulate knowledge and also will increase their ability.

(皆川) 趣味はなんですか?
(山路) ジョギングとサイクリングで色々な所に行くのが好きなのですが…家庭菜園もやっています。

Q. What is your hobby? Which things make you fun?

A. I like jogging and cycling around various places and it makes me fun and refresh.

(皆川) 学生との接し方で意識されていることはありますか?
(山路) 「人それぞれ」と「我慢」を心がけています。なので、できるまで付き合う姿勢が大事かなと考えています。学生との付き合いは我慢比べだと思っています(笑)

Q. Is there any thing to be cautious in interacting with the students?

A. Every student is different that’s why I try to be patient. And interacting with the right approach and attitude as much as possible. Interacting with students is like a test to be patient. (laughing)

(皆川) 最後に今勉強を頑張っている学生に向けてアドバイスがあればお願いします。
(山路) 資格取得は可能性を広げることであり、過程で得る経験や知識は社会生活でも役立つと思います。しっかり支えるので、「できるまでやる」の気合で、一緒にやり切りましょう。

Q. For the last one, is there any advice for students who are studying hard?

A. Obtaining qualifications expands your job opportunities and the experience and knowledge you gain in this course will help you in your social life. And we also support you well, so let`s keep on together with the right attitude of `I will try until I can`.
Thank you very much for your time.


In last year`s second semester exam, there were 5 students who passed this theory course and 8 students who passed the mechanical course.

This time, Yamin was in charge of the English translation. Thank you very much.

電験三種対策講座を受ける様子/Taking class

山路先生とのインタビュー中の様子/Interview with Professor Yamaji


原稿担当:皆川 雄琉(1年)
翻訳担当:ヤミン オウンマー(1年)

